A Winning Rx for Supply Chain: Increasing Physician Involvement in Decision Making

Kirtan Patel, MD, Director of Medical Advising & Consulting at GHX, will lead a discussion on the importance of physician engagement in supply chain and how it can drive key quality and financial decisions. Learn about the tactics for involving physicians and making them key partners in healthcare initiatives. Along with a panel of clinical and supply chain voices, Kirtan will discuss best practices around utilizing physician data and clinical research to encourage conversations and improve collaboration between clinical and non-clinical stakeholders. Attendees will walk away with insights on how to monitor financial and clinical outcomes and advance the quality of care in their healthcare system. 

Kirtan Patel Vicki Dardenne Ragan Manning Guy Love, RN, CNOR Kristin Motter RN, BSN, MBA, CHVAP
Thursday, May 11, 2023
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Salon A - 2 - Lower Level