Leading in Turbulent Times

Esteemed Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School Ranjay Gulati presents a comprehensive model for how to develop successful leadership in the context of tremendous market uncertainty. This interactive lecture will provide a detailed assessment of the delicate transition from producer to manager to executive. Professor Gulati will discuss specific actions in making those transitions. It will conclude with a personal leadership roadmap for those seeking to develop skills in themselves. Some of the topics discussed will include: 

  • Leadership as a dynamic relationship between managing vertically and horizontally in a global organization 
  • Mobilizing, influencing, and driving change to adapt to turbulent market conditions 
  • Embracing a mindset of playing to win 
  • Skills and behaviors associated with effective delegation 
  • Effective self-management skills that are essential to becoming an impactful leader 

Get ready for an insightful and powerful message from one of the top ten most-cited academics in economics and business.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024
3:25 PM - 4:15 PM
4th Floor | Grand Ballroom 5-8