The move to value-based healthcare in America began in earnest about a decade ago with the passage of the Affordable Care Act. Since then, an increasing percentage of reimbursement (from government to commercial payors) are tied to the ability to deliver quality care at lower cost.
The question now is, how will the economic realities of the pandemic impact the speed and direction of the move to these alternative payment models. Hospitals, faced with significant financial headwinds, may be reluctant to take on more risk while state and federal budgets necessitate payors ensure value for money. Patients, too, are looking for care that is both convenient and coordinated, as well as affordable.
By virtue of his role at the HFMA, Chad Mulvany enjoys a unique and objective perspective on the evolution of value-based healthcare nationally. From evolving provider payment models to the increasing role of evidence and clinical-finance-supply chain integration, Mulvany has seen much change over time.
Mulvany will share his perspectives on how and where the industry stands, and the factors that will play an increasingly important role in shaping alternative payment models and financial policies to support the national adoption of value-based healthcare in the coming years.